There are 7 teams raising funds led by Bro. Randy, Bro. Dyer, Bro. Jim, Bro. Trey, Bro. Brad, Bro. Shannon & Mrs. Darlene. The team with the most donations received by Sunday, April 24th will be our winner. The winning team’s Leaderwill get a pie in the face!
-You can donate to one of the TEAMS: Simply click on the Team Leader picture of your choice below. You will then be directed to their team's fundraising page where you can give an online gift. OR -You can be a fundraiser PARTICIPANT: Pick up a form at the Welcome Centers, or click here to download and print it out now. Select a team to support, ask for pledges, and turn in your form to the Church office by April 24th.
If you are interested in walking, but are unable to make it to the actual event, we will have a walk here at OBC on Sunday, April 24th, after the morning service.
We are so excited for this opportunity and hope you will join us in making a difference in the WALK FOR LIFE!