Through Oakland STUDENT MINISTRY, you can have free access to a huge, streaming, online, access-on-any-device library of over 10,000 video Bible studies, leadership videos, and DEVOTIONAL VIDEOS. There are thousands of video resources to help with discipleship, LEADERSHIP, and more. With content available for all ages and stages of life, additional family members can set up their own accounts as well.
Leadership Camps

SLa program

The FUGE Student Leader Apprentice (SLA) program is a two-week experience for students who love camp and want to gain hands-on leadership experience in a camp environment. Students go behind the scenes at FUGE and learn valuable leadership skills within the camp ministry setting. SLA is designed for students who are about to enter or who have just completed their senior year in high school.
SLU 101 provides a year’s worth of leadership development in just 4 days. This dynamic experience allows attendees to learn from world-class thought leaders in creative and participatory environments inside and outside of the conference room. SLU teaches each student practical and relational life skills to change the way they think, dream and lead at the feet of Jesus.
Helpful Websites

Answers in Genesis
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ effectively. We focus on providing answers to questions about the Bible—particularly the book of Genesis—regarding key issues such as creation, evolution, science, and the age of the earth.

Josh McDowell Ministry
Being a teenager would be hard enough without having to deal with internet bullies, awkward relationships, a world in turmoil, and the increasing pressure from every angle to “drop that superstitious Christianity stuff.” You’re learning, growing, and forming your own opinions of the world, which isn’t as easy as it sounds. Here you’ll find plain, honest answers to the tough questions you face every day.

Covenant Eyes
Oasis Medical Center
What people do online impacts their lives offline.
Our goal is to equip people with tools that provide protection and encourage accountability and trust in the fight against Internet temptation. Covenant Eyes helps you live porn-free with confidence.
Pregnancy can produce a multitude of feelings. Whether you’re feeling scared or excited about the possibility of being pregnant, Oasis Medical Center is here for you. Oasis Medical Center offers services for MEN as well. Whether you’re facing the possibility of being a dad or concerned about your sexual health, Oasis Medical Center can help.
Recommended Books

Sacred Intent
Brent Crowe
If life were only a week long you would make every moment count. You'd be more motivated, more focused, more passionate about all you said and did. You'd lead with greater influence. You'd develop deeper relationships. You'd take control of your time. You'd follow your calling. You'd turn this world upside down for Christ. Your life matters! Brent Crowe shows you how to bring your life vibrantly alive with purpose and make this world better because you live in it.

Pray Like Jesus
Jeff Belcher
In Pray Like Jesus, students aged 12 to 18 will discover the importance of communicating with God by taking a closer look at the prayers of Jesus. Throughout the Gospel of Luke, Jesus teaches us how to depend on God through prayer, what it means to pray continually, as well as how prayer can help us gain wisdom, overcome temptation, and surrender our desires to His.

Praying with Paul
D.A. Carson
God doesn't demand hectic church programs and frenetic schedules; he only wants his people to know him more intimately, says top-selling author D. A. Carson. The apostle Paul found that spiritual closeness in his own fellowship with the Father. By following Paul's example, we can do the same. This book calls believers to reject superficiality and revolutionize their lives by embracing a God-guided approach to prayer.

The New Testament
T. Lea and D.Black
Comprehensive and accessible, this new edition of Lea's classic introduction features revised sections that examine the text of the New Testament and the synoptic problem; updated outlines that reflect recent work on the discourse structure of some books; and new bibilographies. Lea's easy-to-understand style is popular with students and seasoned scholars alike.

Demolishing Strongholds
Johnny Hunt
Do you feel beaten down by past failures---or cornered by current struggles? Hunt reveals how to use five weapons to destroy these spiritual strongholds; successfully navigate life's daily discouragements; tame negative habits; and use your blessings to influence others. God's promises and strength are real---and you can claim them today!

Johnny Hunt
Are you feeling the sting of hidden pain or the weight of failure? Don't go it alone! Addressing unspoken struggles men face, Hunt sheds light on pride, anger, pornography addiction, substance abuse, and other difficult issues to help liberate you from the bondage of shame and silence so you can live in God's freedom.

Building Your Leadership Resume
Johnny Hunt
Building Your Leadership Resume author Johnny M. Hunt presents his unique insights about simple and effective leadership principles that can transform your business or ministry. Each five-to-six page entry will mold you into a selfless leader whose impact on others can be immediately rewarding as well as eternally significant.

Wisdom From the Scriptures
Johnny Hunt
WISDOM From the Scriptures contains the exegetical sermon notes that Pastor Johnny used while preaching through God's Word. This is a great resource for pastors to use during sermon prep and for anyone desiring to dig deeper into God's Word. The notes from several of Pastor Johnny's most well received series are in this book including Deeper: A Look at The 7 Churches in Revelation, UnSpoken, Moitvational Gifts and many others.

The Case for Christ-Student Edition
Lee Strobel
Every day, teens report to the "front lines" of the culture wars---struggling to defend Christian beliefs in a cynical postmodern world. Equip the young people you know with sharp critical-thinking skills and an arsenal of convincing evidence that the Christian faith is not based on wishful thinking or legend, but on solid historical fact!

Spiritual Disciplines for a Christian Life
Donald Whitney
Spiritual discipline sounds great in theory, but putting it into practice takes time and determination! Updated and revised for a new generation, Whitney's guide reveals the importance of the disciplines; shows how they'll help you grow in godliness; and offers practical suggestions for cultivating them in your daily life. Includes in-depth discussions.

More Than a Carpenter
Josh McDowell &
Sean McDowell
Sean McDowell
Updated for a new generation of seekers with revised material and a new chapter, this bestseller introduces the real Jesus---a carpenter, a religious leader, and the Son of God. The McDowells reveal how they searched for meaning, truth, and relevance---finding the answers in Jesus Christ. Discover how you can find him, too!

How to Be Like Walt
Pat Williams
An inspiring biography of one of the most influential and beloved figures of the 21st century, based on more than a thousand interviews. "I've read every book that has ever been written about Walt Disney, going back to some that were published in the 1930s.

A Different College Experience
Ben Trueblood & Brian Mills
For many, the college experience is defined by drinking, sex, impulsive decision-making, and a journey of self discovery. It's packaged as a consequence-free zone to have the "best time of your life." But the reality is that what happens in college doesn't stay in college. There are real, lasting consequences to your decisions.

Leadership Excellence
Pat Williams
Succeeding at leading—find out how in Pat Williams’ “ultimate leadership book.” You’ll learn the essential skills to help your people achieve, in whatever setting you serve. Leadership Excellence draws upon leaders of history and the present—in business, sports, religion, and politics—to distill great principles that apply to leaders of any age, background, and setting.

Follow Me
David Platt
What did you leave behind when you chose to follow Christ? For some, the answers are obvious. If you struggled with habitual sins or addictions like alcoholism, drugs, pornography, violence, or promiscuity, the choice to follow Christ often marks a distinct ending of your old life and beginning of a new one. Or, perhaps you grew up in a culture unfriendly to Christianity, where your conversion would mean instant alienation from friends and family, maybe even a threat to your life. In these situations, the cost of following Christ seems clear.

Counter Culture
David Platt